segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010

Some about the classes

In this class we did our first evaluation. The group that made the presentations was so nervous, as usual in this case. The histories about unforgettables vacation were great and funny. I liked a lot because the teacher made corrections about uses and pronunciation. I think that my presentation was good and I enjoyed other classmates vacations too.

In that class everybody was ansious about the written evaluation. It was different and unconventional form to put us to think about our English knowledge. I and my partner Jack did two histories about guys having a conversation and a international spy. Unfortunately I had problems until the end and be sick all the weekend. I think that was because a vaccine I took that day.

I went to the morning class because I had a important meeting in afternoon. The group is different, but the students was very much nervous with oral presentation too. However, I saw many beautiful photos and enjoyed the histories a lot. After, I was worried about the new grammar point: present perfect. I was afraid because I`ve never saw this verb tense and It`s very difficult to understand, mainly because we don`t have this form here in Brasil. During the week I stayed more calm because I studied a lot.

In the last class, after holyday, we studied more about present perfect and other general things such as “how much/how many”. We did other presentations too, all fun and interesting. I enjoyed and learn a lot. We also talked about the final oral evaluation. It will a explanation about a part of a book. My history looks like good.

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